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Huffman Youth Athletic Association

The purpose of the H.Y.A.A. is to foster among its participants and members the ideas of teamwork, good sportsmanship, good citizenship and character as well as to capitalize on opportunities to become positive examples for others in the community. To foster balanced and sportsmanlike competition in youth football and cheer among the participants in H.Y.A.A. To educate players, parents, coaches and the community about the game of youth football while stressing the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship.


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To become a sponsor of HYAA or to sponsor a child please use the link below to do so.

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Huffman Youth Athletic Association Sponsors

These fine organizations make what we do possible. Please show your support to these amazing sponsors and thank them for their commitment to our organization. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities

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What makes them great? Include a sentence or two about the local sponsor here.

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What makes them great? Include a sentence or two about the local sponsor here.